Buying or selling a stock that’s not traded in your local currency? Don’t let the currency conversion trip you up. Convert FRONTIER IP GROUP PLC stocks or shares into any currency with our handy tool, and you’ll always know what you’re getting.

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1 FIPP.LON = 0.42172394999999996 AUD
FRONTIER IP GROUP PLC stock information
FRONTIER IP GROUP PLC is a company listed and traded on the London Stock Exchange under FIPP.LON.
What is the current performance of FIPP.LON stock?
As of 12-03-2025, the stock price stands at 0.42172394999999996 AUD. The market has seen -0.01028595 AUD change in the price of a FIPP.LON share, representing -2.3810% change from the previous close of 0.43200989999999995 AUD.
On 12-03-2025 FIPP.LON stock opened at 0.43200989999999995 AUD, reached a high of 0.43612428 AUD, and a low of 0.42172394999999996 AUD. The adjusted closing price is 0.42172394999999996 AUD, while the closing price is 0.42172394999999996 AUD. Adjusted close is the closing price after adjustments for all applicable splits and dividend distributions whereas the closing price refers to the last price at which a stock traded during the trading session.
The volume of shares traded yesterday was 160327, indicating the level of market activity.
FRONTIER IP GROUP PLC during the last trading day has seen a high of 0.43612428 AUD and a low of 0.42172394999999996 AUD.
What is the live share price of FRONTIER IP GROUP PLC?
When you own a share, you possess a stake – or equity – in a company. The proportion of the company you own is determined by the number of shares you own in relation to the total number of available shares.
That means if you own one share of FRONTIER IP GROUP PLC, you only own a fraction of the company. The share price tells you how much investors believe that fraction of the company is worth.
Owning a piece of FRONTIER IP GROUP PLC is currently worth 0.42172394999999996 AUD.
Please keep in mind that stock prices and information may fluctuate throughout the trading day.
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AUD | 18.92 | 14.14 | 394.64 | 17.59 | 40.91 | 609.67 | 316.38 | 160.33 |
USD | 11.89 | 8.89 | 248.09 | 11.06 | 25.72 | 383.27 | 198.89 | 100.79 |
GBP | 9.20 | 6.87 | 191.83 | 8.55 | 19.89 | 296.36 | 153.79 | 77.94 |
INR | 1035.04 | 773.79 | 21593.85 | 962.67 | 2238.68 | 33359.97 | 17311.47 | 8772.80 |
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Wise's international stock ticker provides information for reference purposes only. This tool and platform does not offer to buy or sell stocks, and the data displayed here should not be considered financial advice.
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