Australian Dollar (AUD)
The Australian dollar is the currency of the Commonwealth of Australia and its independent islands. AUD is the code for the dollar. It’s symbolised by $, but can be written using A$ or AU$ to distinguish it from other dollar-based currencies. The AUD is most commonly exchanged in global markets with the British pound, and it is a fiat currency. It’s the fifth most traded currency in the world, behind the US dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, and the pound sterling. The conversion factor for AUD has 5 significant digits.
Currency name
Australian Dollar
Currency symbol
AUD exchange rates
USD | GBP | INR | EUR | NZD | JPY | CAD | SGD | |
From AUD | 0.62145 | 0.50034 | 54.11560 | 0.60119 | 1.10766 | 96.49560 | 0.89560 | 0.84272 |
To AUD | 1.60914 | 1.99863 | 0.01848 | 1.66337 | 0.90281 | 0.01036 | 1.11657 | 1.18664 |
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