If you have open balances in different currencies, you can convert money between them.
This lets you move money from one currency to another, making it easier to manage your finances. The process is quick and simple, and the conversion is usually instant.
How to convert money
From Home select the balance you’d like to convert from
Select Convert
Enter the amount you want to convert and the currency you want to convert to
Review the details and confirm the conversion
Conversions usually happen within a few seconds and should be reflected in your account immediately.
You can also set up Auto Conversions, which allow you to automatically convert between currencies at a certain exchange rate. Learn more about Auto Conversions
Conversion limits
There are limits to how often you can convert money:
Personal customers can convert money up to 15 times in 24 hours
Business customers can convert money up to 75 times in 24 hours
For BRL accounts, the limit is 10,000 BRL per conversion (local taxes may apply)
There may also be a sending limit on certain currencies, which you can check on our currency pages.
How much does it cost to convert between currencies?
You’ll always get the mid-market exchange rate when converting money. And we charge a fee to convert money between currencies in your account, which varies from currency to currency.
We recently changed the way we work out those fees — the easiest way to understand your conversion fees is to visit our price checker.
Note for BRL: Due to Brazilian regulations, an IOF tax will be charged if you convert to or from another currency with your BRL balance.