If you have a Wise balance, you can add and hold money in it, make payments, transfer funds, or spend money with your Wise card.
There's a few different ways that you can add money to your Wise balances.
How do I add money from Wise?
To add money via Wise:
From Home, select Add Money, or select the specific balance you want to top up, then select Add.
Enter the amount and currency that you want to add.
Choose your preferred payment method and select Continue to payment.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the payment.
Note for BRL: due to Brazilian regulations, IOF tax will be charged if you add money to a BRL balance when paying in another currency.
How do I add money directly from my bank?
Another way to add money is to send it directly from your bank to your Wise account details via a bank transfer (direct deposit). You don’t have to set up a Wise transfer with this method.
To do this:
You’ll first need to get account details, if you don’t have them already.
Select the currency balance that you want to receive money to, and select the account details button to view and copy them.
Then, from your online banking, set up a bank transfer and add your Wise account details as the recipient.
Follow the on-screen instructions from your bank to complete the payment. Contact your bank if you have any questions for this step.
Check here for fees and limits when receiving money this way
Once you have money in your balance, you can:
send money to recipients
spend with your Wise card
convert between currencies
and eligible customers can hold money as Interest or Stocks
Learn more about what you can do with your money in your Wise account